Sevai Kheer Recipe

Sevai Kheer Recipe

Put ghee in a frying pan and put it on low flame. Put the vermicelli in the ghee and stir it with the stirring spoon till they turn brown. Now turn off the burner. Take out the vermicelli on a plate.

Ingredients for Kheer:-

  •     Vermicelli - 100 gm
  •     Ghee - 1 tablespoon
  •     Milk - 750 gm
  •     Cashew Nuts - 20 gm (cut each cashew in 8 pieces)
  •     Raisins - 25
  •     Small Cardamom - 4 to 5
  •     Sugar - 75 gm
  •     Almonds - 4 (cut them length wise into thin pieces)

How to make Sevaiya Kheer:-

Put ghee in a frying pan and put it on low flame. Put the vermicelli in the ghee and stir it with the stirring spoon till they turn brown. Now turn off the burner. Take out the vermicelli on a plate.

Put the milk in a thick-bottomed frying pan and boil it, when the milk starts boiling, put the vermicelli in it and continuously stir till the milk starts boiling again. Now add the cashew nuts, sugar and raisins in the vermicelli, and lower the flame.

When the vermicelli becomes soft, turn off the burner. ( after the milk has boiled, within 6 to 7 minutes the vermicelli kheer will be ready). Mix the cardamom granules in the pudding.

Take out the vermicelli pudding in a bowl and garnish it with sliced almonds. you can eat either hot or cold vermicelli. This is delicious in both the states.
