Muskmelon Seeds Namkeen

Muskmelon Seeds Namkeen

Namkeen prepared with melon seeds is different is taste and can be prepared instantly. This can also be prepared for fast (vrats).


  • Melon seeds – 1 cup (120 grams)
  • Almonds – 40 (50 grams)
  • Ghee – 1 tbsp
  • Black pepper – ½ tsp (coarsely grounded)
  • Salt – less than ¼ tsp or as per taste
  • Chaat masala – 1 tsp

How to make Musk Melon Seeds Namkeen:

Preheat a pan and place melon seeds into it and stir constantly. Roast them on medium flame. If they spill out while roasting then hold a plate in left hand, cover and roast the seeds. The seeds will not spill out from the wok.
Take out the roasted seeds in a plate. When they cool, place them in a sieve and strain so that the outer skin can be easily removed.
Preheat a pan. Add 1 tbsp ghee into it. Now place almonds into it and stir them constantly on medium flame for 2 minutes. Almonds puff up slightly and change in color. Now mix roasted seeds with it and mix well. Turn off the flame.
Add salt, chaat masala, coarsely ground black pepper and mix everything really well.
Melon seeds namkeen is ready, take it out in a plate. When the namkeen cools completely, then store it in any container and relish eating for up to 1 month.


  • If making this namkeen for fast, then add sendha salt and black pepper powder.
  • Time – 20 minutes

